The Key To Manifestation That No one Talks About..
“Imagine the prosperity and success you want, believe it will come true, and one day your imagination will become your reality.” - Ramerez Sasson
Do you ever feel like you're always "doing the thing" that all the life coaches, spiritual gurus, and millionaire entrepreneurs tell you to do to find success?
They tell you to journal, stay in abundance mindset, use intention, and manifest to get your dream life... blah blah blah... and you do it because -
"If it worked for them, it will work for me! Right?"
Well that's what I thought too...
You know where I was after that?
Yup... I was back at the beginning...
Juggling three jobs to pay rent, constantly in a state of stress, and judging myself for not being where I said I would be at my age...
During this harsh reality moment though, I learned a big lesson in manifesting... and that is this:
The reality is...there's WAY more to the story than BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE. There's another key to manifestation that isn't talked about nearly as much as it should be.
What is the Ego?
The Holistic Psychologist defines the ego beautifully in her article "How to Do Ego Work",
Carl Jung, renowned psychologist, saw the ego as the connector between our outer and inner worlds. During our most formative years as children, the ego plays a big role in creating meaning and assessing value for the positive and negative experiences that we have. We develop our personality to defend ourselves from future, similar experiences and keep us safe.
However, as we grow, some of these old habits or beliefs can shield us from new opporunities which can ultimately stop us from evolving. The ego would rather us be trapped in a predictable routine than see change.
Great news though!
When we learn to become aware of the patterns in ourselves and heal what's at the root of where these unhealthy traits came from, the ego can learn to release that negative behavior and trade it in for more proper responses.
Now let's look at the relationship between the ego and manifestation...
Firstly, manifestation is the act of bringing a new thought, desire, or outcome into existence.
Whether it be a new home, a new love interest, a new experience, or an up level in your career, the common theme is that you want something NEW.
To achieve something new, you need to believe that it's possible! Obvious right?
Well...consciously it's obvious.
Unconsciously though, this is a TERRIBLE idea!
Our ego HATES anything new.
Something new means unknown territory... which means you are now vulnerable to getting hurt... And if you get hurt, your ego didn’t do its job.
Your ego will use its toolbox of traits, patterns, habits, and beliefs to keep you safe, no matter how toxic the story.
Because of your innate need for comfort, tension hits whenever you juggle your ego with manifestation.
The formula to manifestation is:
Consciously Imagining the outcome is easy.
Consciously believing and feeling the outcome is easy.
BUT if limiting beliefs or blocks are living rent free in your mind/body and you are NOT aware of it,
Are you actually believing your wanted outcome is possible to reach?
No...not possible!
That's why the ego work is so important.
When you do ego work, you become aware of unconscious patterns, habits, and beliefs, you redefine what safety looks, and rewrite your past narratives. You become more comfortable with new experiences and uncertain outcomes, paving the way to take action towards your manifestations.
1. Connect your emotions with sensations in your body
You can do this through meditation - Take a couple deep breaths and close your eyes. When you are ready, ask yourself silently - "where do I feel anger in the body?" "Where do I feel joy?" This is way easier said than done and it takes a while to get answers if you are not used to having a mind/body connection. That is OKAY! Meditation is called a PRACTICE for a reason.
2. Discover the difference between the ego voice and the actual situation
When you notice yourself getting flustered or when you start having intrusive thoughts, stop whatever you are doing, take a deep breath and ask yourself, "Where is this feeling coming from?" and "What is fact in this situation?" Your ego will tell you and you will be able to separate what's real from what's going on in your mind.
3. Seek professional help - A combination of talk therapy and energy work
These types of healing modalities have shown amazing results for my clients as well as myself. I highly suggest this if you want to create see quick transformation. Talk therapy helps you become aware of what is happening below the surface while energy work can actually help release that trapped energy from the body, creating long lasting, healing results.
No one wants to do the gritty work behind the glamour of manifestation, but if you do, you will gain so much more than your original wish. The real magic in manifestation is your own transformation.